It’s not just a hippy thing anymore to dress “vegan.” Many designers are starting to shed away their leather and fur for alternatives that don’t harm animals. One of the most notable designers who has become outspoken about the subject is Stella McCartney. As a non vegan I don’t often go looking for things that are made with fur or leather I’m more interested in something that has style and a vegan friendly style is bonus. The thing I like about Stella McCartney’s clothes are they are very stylish FIRST and animal friendly second. Her clothes are high fashion but still “wearable” for the average person

Stella McCartney's style is Cool and Vegan
With Online shopping becoming more assessable to everyone the options are there to find a shoe or a bag that looks as nice as leather but is animal friendly. This opens a door for those who want to be fashionable and trendy. By wearing vegan clothing you can be ahead of the fall/winter trends without harming any animals.

What do you like shoes or purses?
What is your fave vegan fashion store/designer?
I like Stella for sure. I just bought a Cherry Berry vegan handbag for Claire. It looks great!
Steve Madden has some non leather shoes too.
Animal Friendly
My favorite vegan clothing designer is Vaute Couture, for shoes also love OlsenHaus, Cri De Coeur and Neuaura. Cherry Berry, Matt & Nat, and Melie Bianco have some awesome vegan bags! Some more faves on my vegan fashion site
James Kimbell
We male vegans have it easier on this front.
My Corrie
I love Steve Madden… cept I don't wear heels cause I look like a giant… still love them!
My Corrie
I'm sure guys have it much easier!
Stevie P.
With Stella it's actually animal friendly first always! 😉
I'm a huge Mat & Nat girl, given that I have about 15 of their bags and counting.
My Corrie
I'm sure it is…. I'm just saying from a non-vegan point of view 🙂