6 Secrets to Getting Thin and Staying Healthy



These “secrets” are good if you want to lose weight and also very good if you want to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle. They’re easy to do — the hardest part is remembering to do them. Best of all, they work.

1. Slow down
It takes 20 minutes for your body to register fullness while you’re eating. According to a University of Rhode Island study, you can save 70 calories by eating slowly over about half an hour versus eating in under 10 minutes. That would translate into about two pounds a month.

2. Eat Breakfast
Research shows that regular breakfast eaters tend to be leaner and that dieters are more successful at losing weight—and keeping it off—when they eat breakfast. Pack your breakfast with protein and fiber—both will help keep you satisfied all morning. Think: whole-wheat toast with peanut butter or an omelet stuffed with vegetables.

3. Eat water-filled foods
Foods with high water content—such as soups, salads, cucumbers and watermelon—help you feel satisfied on fewer calories. (Interestingly, drinking water alongside foods doesn’t have the same effect.) Research has shown that starting your meal with a broth-based soup or salad may help you eat less of your main course.

4. Increase your fiber intake
Increasing your daily fiber intake can help you prevent weight gain—and possibly encourage weight loss—according to a two-year study at Brigham Young University in Utah. Adding fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains, helps you feel satisfied on fewer calories; filling up on high-fiber foods usually means eating fewer less-healthy, higher-calorie choices.

5. Divide your plate the right way for healthy, balanced meals.
Trim calories without feeling deprived by dividing your plate like this: Fill half the plate with low-calorie—yet satisfying, fiber-rich—vegetables. Divide the other half of the plate into two quarters. Fill one of these quarters with a lean protein, such as chicken, fish, lean beef or tofu. (Research suggests that, gram for gram, protein may keep you feeling fuller longer than carbohydrates or fat.) Fill the other quarter with a filling, fiber-rich whole grain, such as brown rice or quinoa.

6. Plan for the occasional treat
Studies suggest that feeling deprived can trigger overeating. Banning a food just makes you want it more. So enjoy a small treat: it won’t break your diet! Two squares of dark chocolate or ½ cup of ice cream add up to under 150 calories.

One of the best things you can do for your health and to lose weight is the Vegan Flush. It is a gentle, two-week cleanse that sheds toxins from your body with natural foods. You won’t b hungry, and you won’t use harsh substances. Within the two-week period you’ll feel healthier. Your body will be in an alkaline state, full of antioxidants, and better able to function at optimal level. Click the link to learn more about  Vegan Flush.

Source: Wright, Brierley, eatingwell.com

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